Thursday, May 21, 2009
My sweet baby
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Obama has my phone bugged!!
Congrats Mr.
President, I think listening to me is a good idea!!
http://features. csmonitor. com/economyrebuild/2009/02/04/obama%E2%80%99s-cap-on-ceo-pay-strives-to-end-era-of-excess/
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Oh the places she'll go!
So, Natalia is doing all sorts of new things since the last time I posted a blog. The most significant of them is this new walking thing! She started it on 12/21 (it's a Christmas miracle!!) and hasn't slowed down since. She just keeps getting faster and faster! She also waves good-bye pretty consistantly now, although not where the person that she's waving to can see her. We still don't have any English or Portuguese words, but she is a joke master in her own language. On 1/7 she gave her first little kiss, she kissed me right on the cheek. She is becoming a master at eating with a spoon, but still finds it faster to use her hands, we have quite a few tantrums over this because using her hands involves smearing food in her hair. Mommy has decided that this is not allowed and Natalia vehemetly disagrees. She likes to wear bracelets, which is pretty much anything circular that her hand fits through, and she walks all over the house showing them off.
She has 4 teeth now and we are enjoying her little snaggle toothed look before it disappears. Mommy and Daddy just love that big ol' toothy grin!
She is also quite the little performer and has become quite adept at imitations, most notable are her Tarzan and Godzilla.
She loves to read to us and carries her books all over her house. I think her favorite toy is her bookshelf, she spends hours pulling books down and putting them back up.
Natalia is enjoying bathtime more and more every day, although she doesn't really care about her toys. She prefers to play with the pumice stone and shower brush, not to mention the drain.
She is very independent and will sometimes spend an hour playing in her room by herself. But this little independent streak has it's downsides too, especially when we are in a hurry. She enjoys picking out her own clothes and I usually hold up to her closet so that she can decide.
She is Menininha do Papai and prefers to be with Daddy over Mommy at any time. This makes Mommy sad sometimes, but she does have Talia all to herself during the day.
We are pretty lucky to have such a wonderful little girl!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Talia!!!
Here is a little trip of what she used to look like:
just born:
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2 days old:
a couple of weeks old:
1 month:
2 months:
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3 months:
4 months:
5 months:
6 months:
7 months:
8 months:
9 months:
10 months:
11 months:
1 yr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
teefs and stuff
talia's getting them! i noticed this evening (as she was chewing on my knee) that she is getting teeth for real now! shes been faking it for several months and a couple of days ago i felt her gums and i could feel the ridge of a tooth in there. tonight it has poked itself out!! you can feel the sharp little corners. and for a baby that is teething, she has been so sweet! hardly cranky at all!!!! i love my little baby! |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
something new
Current mood: drained
natalia pulled herself into a sitting position last night. it wasnt from completely flat, but about 45 degrees (she fell backward ontop of a folded blanket). pretty soon she will be able to do it laying down completely. she still wont roll over though... just onto her side...
she also has a cold right now. im pretty sure she got it in sf while riding bart and muni. because of this, she woke up every hour sunday night. last night she only woke up once, but i cant wait for her to sleep all the way through again. she is napping right now after chowing down on an enormous amount of food (two ice tray cubes of carrots mixed w/ oatmeal to thicken it up, about 1 cup of prepared oatmeal with 40 cc's of milk and then 4 oz of formula), i thought she was never going to stop eating. the baby book that lisa gave us said that one cube of food from an ice cube tray is the perfect portion size for a baby... apparently not for natalia
Thursday, April 3, 2008
so many new things!
Current mood: natalia is doing so many cute new things now! |