Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Not being pregnant is nice

The benefits of not being pregnant anymore:
No more heartburn as soon as I'm done eating
No more heartburn because it's been too long since I've eaten
No more heartburn just because I'm breathing...
I am able to sleep in my bed again
Getting in and out of the car is getting easier
Pants are staying up better
My feet aren't swollen
Much less back pain
I don't have to sleep in a semi-sitting position to avoid vomiting in my sleep
I can wear my wedding ring again
My fingers don't hurt anymore when I flex them
Most of my joints have stopped popping
Even though I'm still not sleeping, I have much more energy
I'm losing weight instead of gaining it!
I can go 4 hours without peeing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do miss the little internal heater though, it's kind of cold now.

But I do have an adorable little baby I get to play with, well, more like AT. There isn't a lot of interaction at this point, but she's so cute to watch!

Most of you know already

that I finally had the baby. Yes, Tara, I "pushed that kid out" finally! I thought the day would never come, then when it did, I wished it hadn't. I had been having contractions since Wednesday morning, but they were very small. Friday they got stronger, but they were still ok and I thought "ok, I'm going to be able to do this" since everything was building gradually. I was uncomfortable, sometimes in some pain, but I would count to 60 and it would be over. Friday night they got a little stronger where I needed Bruno to rub my back when they came, but it was still ok, I was able to keep doing whatever I wanted in between them and they were 8-20 minutes apart. Then, at 8:50 PM on 10/19, my water broke. We arrived at the hospital at about 10:30 and I was admitted at about midnight.
Since my water had broken, but my contractions were still too irregular to be considered "active labor" they started giving my pitocin. Not only did this make the contractions much stronger, but they were also much sharper and right on top of each other. By about 4:30, I couldn't cope with them anymore, I was becoming exhausted so I asked them to give me something for the pain. Because I was only dilated to 2.5 cm, they wouldn't give me an epidural, so they gave me phenti-something, a narcotic. I thought, "this will be ok, I know that it will still hurt, but I will be stoned and won't care, right?" WRONG!!!! All it did was make me even more tired, but the contractions were so strong, I couldn't sleep, so I was very worn out.
I finally got the epidural at 6AM (administered by the worst anesthesiologist ever, he stabbed me at least 6 times while trying to find the right spot, but every time he did, he would wiggle the needle around to try and get it in the right spot, hitting every nerve possible in my spinal column; it felt like someone was dragging a knife up and down my hip bone) and at 8:20 AM informed the nurse that I needed to push.
She agreed with my since she could feel the head only about 2 inches in when she checked me, and after only 30 mins of pushing (ha, beat that Lisa!), out came my little baby girl.
She was pretty icky and purple, but I decided to keep her anyway. She was 7lbs 15.2 oz and over 19 in long.
We named her Natalia (no middle name) Montes Borges.
We are very happy to have her home, but also very tired.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

how much information do you really want?

i woke up this morning at 6 am because i felt something come out of me. first thought? i just peed, on myself and the couch; fabulous. so i went to the bathroom, and when i turned on the light i could see that it was blood on me. and it was bright red blood. so i started getting scared. we called labor and delivery and they told me to come in. it took about 45 mins to get dressed and get to the hospital, and she never moved. so that made me even more scared. we got in to triage and they put the fetal monitor on me and we heard the heartbeat. it was such a relief. she was still there and her heart was still beating, but she still wasnt moving. i poked, i rubbed my belly, i massaged her and she still didnt move. i know she was sleeping, but i thought some of that would have woken her up, but it didnt. so the nurse gave me some juice and i sat in the bed hooked up to the monitor. about 10 mins later she woke up! and she started moving all around and kicking at the monitor.
2 hours later they finally did an exam on me. my water hadnt broken and all that was happening was apparently the "bloody show." so at least that means that something is happening! and the monitor showed that i was having contractions. only a couple of them were strong enough for me to feel though.
but in all of the classes that we took, every time they talked about "bloody show" they said that if it was bright red, call labor and delivery. they said that it would be kind of pink, or dark red, or brown. they also made it sound like it was just something that you might see when you wipe or a little bit on your underwear. but every time i stand up it feels like it just gushes out! it is so gross!

Monday, October 15, 2007

i want her out!!!

so, i had a doctor's appointment today and found out (drum roll please!): NOTHING IS HAPPENING!!!! she is at 0 station, i am 0 cm dilated and only 25% effaced.
i ate a huge prego pizza this weekend, and: nothing.
ive been walking, and: bupkis.
sex: zilch (well, baby-wise, zilch)
i want her out!!!!! i need to do something to make it uncomfortable in there for her. im obviously too generous of a host and provide too comfortable of an environment.
get out baby bling!!!! right now! you have to listen to me, im your mother!
i have another doctors appt next tuesday, at that point they will talk about inducing if she hasnt come yet. but, i wont need that appt, right? cause shes going to be here tomorrow, right?
GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

signs, signs, are there any?

no! there arent! bling hasnt dropped, there are no contractions and no signs that i am dilating or efacing. shouldnt some of that be happening if she is going to be born on 10/15 like i told her she is? i can tell she is definitely stronger though. maybe shes planning on coming out through my belly button. does she know that that isnt an exit? but maybe that would be better... that guy from spaceballs looked like he faired a lot better than the women we watched on the birthing videos (hello my honey!), his ordeal was much shorter!

but ive only got 7 days left until shes supposed to be here, shouldnt something be happening?
at least we installed the car seat last night. there is no longer room for passengers in my car. if we need to take a "family" trip somewhere we now have to take 2 cars. we couldnt install it using the LATCH system in the middle of the backseat, so its behind the passenger seat, which has to be a teeny bit past vertical to fit the seat in; comfy! i guess we could just get a new car... oh, wait, i have no income, maybe a new car isnt such a good idea! and i love my car. anyway, im digressing.