Thursday, January 24, 2008


Current mood: sneezy

Natalia has a cold now. She got it from her cousin Danny and she has snot running all over the place, is cranky and sleepy and developed a fever today. It was only 101.1 degrees, so we are giving her Tylenol. Guess that means another day that she doesn't get to go have lunch with her Daddy. And does anything break your heart more than having to hold your baby down as she's screaming and flailing to suction out her nose? It's so sad!
Oh, I also have a cold.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

She's growing

natalia weighs 11 pounds (4.99kg) now! She gained 1.5lbs in one month, she is so heavy now. it is hard to carry her in her carseat. i dont know how lisa carries danny, its just insane. and she is so cute! shes smiling all the time now. and she chats with us, and yesterday she was purposely pulling on the toys on her bouncer. i thought she would never get control over her arms. there are still a lot of involuntary spasms, but she has deliberate movements now. yay!